Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How To Have More Confidence in what you do w/your daily life!

Have you ever wondered as of how did the most successful people in the world became to be so successful? Success is made off of people's hard work, dedication, and pride for what they like/love to do. So how does confidence play a role into this? Well, confidence is the main thing that helped made those people successful. It was one of their biggest things that they kept on working on. Not just help them reach their potential goals, but it helps them realize that confidence is the biggest thing that made them realize something. That once, you know how to do something, you can do it with confidence and achieve it. For an example, learning how to ride a bike. Everyone was taught at a young age how to ride a bike. Once we got use of riding a bike, we didn't need any help riding it with supervision of our parents. Then, once we develop that learning experience of doing that we found out that there's such thing as competence. Competence is when you get to know more about something that's a challenge to you, the more you will know what you can do to conquer it. Any kind of challenge is completely good and healthy for you because that's what life is all about. Life is going to have plenty of challenges and obstacles that is going to be a struggle dealing with. But, the main point of a challenge is suppose to be a fun and problem that we can all solve out. Look at all of the biggest people who completely changed the history of the world. Martin Luther King had a huge amount of challenges in his life. Just imagine trying your best to motivate millions and millions of people around the world to finally realize that no matter what color we are we're all the same! We're all humans at the end of the day. So, developing competence and confidence is a simple thing that we already have. We just have to realize that we all have confidence to do anything, we just got to start using it! With this important life essential we can conquer anything that we put our mind to. Just imagine how many of our life's dreams we can finally accomplish it instead of always day-dreaming it. Just waiting for a miracle to happen when we can make a miracle and become one of the most famous people that other people wish to be rich and successful as you.

Monday, March 2, 2015

What is life truly about?

Life is a complicated insane and uncontrollable experience that gets more intense every day. Different people go through plenty of crazy experiences in a good or bad way. People make decisions that they either benefit them or regret ever making. I have been through a lot of horrible situations in my life and I will let you know up front that the choices that you'll make in your life will effect you! It will cause you to change as a person and have people look at you in disappointment and a shame. To this day, I learned so many choices that I should have never made in my life. But, I really wanted to try my best to warm you guys to not make the same mistakes I made. I know I know, were all human we all make mistakes. But, sometimes making one stupid mistake can turn your whole life around. It can cause you to hang out with the wrong type of people, make you do things that you're not comfortable with, or even do crazy things that end up in jail. Going to a low class, uneducated school seeing these kinds of teenagers inside and outside of school doing these bad, unexplainable things just makes me in disgust! Even though I am curious as of why most of this teenager population smokes weed, have sex, and are in gangs I know that being a part of any of those things WILL mess up your life. But, the main question is what is life truly about? Why do we choose to do these bad things that we will end up regretting at the end? Is it really worth it? Getting murdered and in prison for doing something that everyone will think that you're "cool" for doing? To be honest, I'd rather have a couple of close friends that I can truly trust for anything and have my back for everything. Than, have plenty amount of "friends" that will betray and leave you when you need them the most. That's the type of friends you have to avoid the most because they're like snakes! They're all over the place and you don't know which one to trust. Also, in my opinion, why do we (as humans) have to go through so many sad and crazy situations in life? The reason is that as humans we have to find a way to become better as people and actually contribute to the world instead of hurting it! The current rap music and popular culture of the 21st century has been at its worst lately! We have to finally realize that we got to stop listening to this type of "rap" music and listen to something that will motivate you! Give you confidence and help you live a happy and healthy life. Because if we start taking action now the earth will be a better place to live think about it. The crime rate will decrease, kids will actually have goals to go to college, and help the future generation of children define what life is truly about to everyone.